MDG 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
- Share of population under absolute poverty line
- Poverty Gap Index
- Share of the poorest quintile in the national consumption
- Share of population under the minimum level of food consumption, expressed in energy value
MDG 2. Ensure access to general compulsory education (grades 1-9)
- Gross enrollment ratio in general mandatory education
- Degree of pupils’ enrolment in pre-school institutions
- Gross enrollment ratio in preschool education of children aged 3-6 years
- Gross enrollment ratio in preschool education of children aged 6-7 years
- The ratio of children enrolled in the first grade who attended preschool education programs
- Literacy rate
MDG 3. Promote gender equality and empower women
- Proportion of seats held by women in the Parliament
- Share of women employed in economy by types of economic activities
- Share of women’s average wage compared to men’s average wage
MDG 4. Reduce child mortality
- Children under 5 years mortality rate
- Infant mortality rate
- Proportion of 2 years-old children immunized against measles
MDG 5. Improve maternal health
MDG 6. Combating HIV/AIDS, TB and other diseases
MDG 7. Ensure environmental sustainability
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per one kilogram of internally consumed fuel
- Proportion of population using an improved sanitation facility
MDG 8. A global partnership for development
- Exports
- Imports of machinery, facilities and equipment
- Share of foreign companies’ and joint ventures’ turnover on the local business environment
- Share of investments made in transportation sector in total public investments
- Share of investments made for developing air and naval transportation in total investments for transportation sector
- Unemployment rate among youth aged 15-24 years
- Land telephone lines and mobile networks subscribers per 100 inhabitants