Regional statistics
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Population and demographic processes
Value of construction works, in territorial aspect, 2007-2023 (Updated: 7/19/2024, Size: 9 Kb)
Construction works indices, in territorial aspect, previous year = 100, 2012-2023 (Updated: 7/19/2024, Size: 8 Kb)
Implementation of dwellings, in territorial aspect and periods 2019-2024 (Updated: 11/25/2024, Size: 14 Kb)
Total area of implemented dwellings, in territorial aspect and periods, 2005-2024 (Updated: 11/25/2024, Size: 22 Kb)
Implementation of dwellings, in territorial aspect, 2005-2023 (Updated: 7/30/2024, Size: 23 Kb)
Construction permits released for buildings, in territorial aspect and periods, 2014-2024 (Updated: 10/30/2024, Size: 45 Kb)
Construction permits released for buildings, in territorial aspect and areas, 2020-2023 (Updated: 4/29/2024, Size: 16 Kb)
Culture and sport
Domestic trade
Health protection
Information technologies
Investments in assets
Justice and crime
Labour force and earnings
Living standard of the population
National accounts
Population social assistance