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Life expectancy calculator

Life expectancy represents the number of years which shall be lived in average by those born in this period, if during their life the death rate for every age will be the same as in year of birth.

In the Republic of Moldova for children born in 2018, life expectancy was in average 73 years, for girls being 77 years and for boys – 69.

We offer you an interactive product for an estimative calculation of the number of years that a person would live,based on the information given on sex, age (0 to 90 years) and residence area. The calculator doesn’t take into account such factors as: health, lifestyle, family history and others, that might influence the life duration.

Please indicate the sex, current age and residence area:




Useful links:
Statistical data: Population
Metadata: Population and demography
Animated pyramid of the population
Animated maps with demographic indicators