Social statistics
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Culture and sport
Sport premises, gymnastic and health improvement centres, 1995-2023 (Updated: 4/8/2024, Size: 4 Kb)
Sport premises, gymnastic and health improvement centres, in territorial aspect, 2003-2023 (Updated: 4/8/2024, Size: 15 Kb)
Sport schools for children and youth, 1995-2023 (Modified: 5/18/2015 (Updated: 5/21/2024, Size: 5 Kb)
Trained sportsmen (who passed once at a higher category), 1995-2023 (Modified: 5/18/2015 (Updated: 4/5/2024, Size: 3 Kb)
Health protection
Justice and crime
Labour force and earnings
Living standard of the population
Millennium Development Goals
Social protection